Air Scrubber Rentals
HEPA Air Scrubber Rental
The use of air scrubbers is extremely important to prevent contaminated dust and mold spores from spreading to clean areas and is many times mandatory and regulated. Using an air scrubber during mold cleanup is extremely important for health and liability reasons.
If mold or other hazardous materials is released in the air it may contaminate other areas of an office or home that previously were un – contaminated. Mold spores will travel in the air to other parts of a building and may start colonizing clean carpets, areas, clothing or furniture. Our air scrubbers are commercial size high capacity machines. We provide dual use machines, our equipment can be used both as air scrubbers and negative air machines. Each machine can move, filter and clean up to 2000 cubic feet of air per minute (CFM). We have triple stage filtration with HEPA filters.
The OSHA Lead Standard (29 CFR 1910.1025) for the General Industry was designed to regulate workplace exposures to lead. It has since 1978 been the principal source of guidance for establishing the “standard of care”. The United States Federal Emergency Regulations, Title X and Title XVII, from 1994, affect housing built before 1978. The regulations were triggered by many reports of high lead blood levels in children.
We have small medium and large capacity air scrubbers:
1000 CFM, adjustable to-. 2000 CFM, the most common size, actual capacity 1000-2000 CFM. 5000 CFM, 220 V, large capacity, actual capacity 4000 CFM.
For additional information, initial consultation, proposal on mold abatement, mold and biohazard testing, or air quality testing, Please contact us at: